Pursuant to Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) (EU) 2016/679 as well as the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/03 and subsequent amendments and integrations, DAS Srl, as Data Controller, informs you that your data will be processed in full compliance with applicable regulations and solely for the purposes and methods described below. The Data Controller can be contacted at the following address: DAS Srl, Viale Tivoli 102 – 00018 Palombara Sabina (Rome) – email: amministrazione@dasitaly.com
Purpose of Processing
The personal data contained in your CV (e.g., personal, professional, educational data, interests, etc.) or provided by you to DAS Srl, including through the completion of the “Work with Us” form on the website www.dasitaly.com, will be processed. Processing will comply with principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency, and confidentiality, as well as the integrity requirements under the aforementioned personal data protection regulations.
Specifically, only data strictly relevant to the purposes described below, as well as related obligations and tasks that cannot be fulfilled through anonymous or alternative data processing, will be handled. The processing of personal data may also involve categories of sensitive data (e.g., belonging to protected categories), which will be treated according to current data protection legislation.
Purpose and Methods of Processing
The data provided by you will be processed by DAS Srl for personnel recruitment and selection purposes, aimed at potentially establishing an employment relationship.
The legal basis for processing is your consent, which is deemed granted through the act of filling out the form in the “Work with Us” section of our website and the possible submission of your CV, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 1, point 11 of the aforementioned Regulation.
The processing of your personal information will adhere to principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency, and respect for your privacy and rights.
Processing will take place on digital and paper-based media, and your data will be collected and stored in both digital databases and physical archives.
Authorized personnel will carry out the processing following suitable security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and completeness of the processed data, in compliance with Article 32 of the GDPR and the Data Controller’s instructions.
Nature of Processing
Providing data for the stated purpose is optional but necessary and constitutes an essential requirement to pursue the described purpose. Failure to provide your data will prevent us from evaluating your profile and professional aptitude for the role or potential future openings and will not allow us to carry out selection activities to potentially establish an employment relationship.
Duration of Processing
The data communicated through the submission of your CV (e.g., personal details, contact information, educational background, professional experience, interests, desired position, and any health or protected category information) will be retained for 12 months (starting from CV receipt), unless an employment relationship is established, in which case data will be retained according to related time requirements.
Data Access and Communication
Your personal data may be processed by the Data Controller and authorized personnel who need to process it to perform their duties and are duly instructed to comply with data protection principles. Your data may also be disclosed to all parties authorized by law to access it. Specifically, your data may be disclosed, even during the pre-contractual phase, to third-party companies or professionals (both natural and legal persons) entrusted by the Data Controller with outsourced tasks and duly appointed as Data Processors under Article 28 of the GDPR (e.g., personnel selection agencies, labor consultants for preparing necessary employment documentation, web agencies managing the website, etc.).
Communicating your data to the aforementioned parties is necessary to fulfill preliminary requirements related to potentially establishing an employment relationship.
A complete list of Data Processors and third-party entities to whom your data is disclosed is available at our headquarters. You may request a copy by writing to amministrazione@dasitaly.com.
Your personal data will not be disseminated.
Data Transfer Outside the EU
Your data will not be transferred outside the EU territory.
If data transfer to Third Countries (outside the EU) occurs, including to countries that may not guarantee the same level of protection as the applicable Privacy Regulations, the Data Controller ensures that the processing will still comply with one of the methods permitted by the Regulation, such as your consent, the adoption of Standard Clauses approved by the European Commission, the selection of entities adhering to international programs for data free flow (e.g., EU-US Privacy Shield), or operating in countries considered safe by the European Commission.
Exercising Your Rights
You may exercise the rights recognized under Articles 15–22 of EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) at any time.
In particular, you can request that your personal data be made available to you in an intelligible form, request its deletion, anonymization, or blocking of data processed unlawfully, as well as request updates, rectification, or, if applicable, integration of the data, or exercise the right to data portability. You may also object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of your data and revoke your consent at any time.
If you believe your rights have been violated, you can file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority or another competent authority.
Data Controller Contact Information
You can contact the Data Controller at: DAS Srl, Viale Tivoli 102 – 00018 Palombara Sabina (Rome) – email: amministrazione@dasitaly.com